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How Do Organisms Reproduce

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 10th Biology > How Do Organisms Reproduce

12 Difference Between Asexual Reproduction & Sexual Reproduction



Asexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction
Only one parent is required. Two parents are needed. They mate and produce the offspring.
Regeneration, fission and budding are some of the process through which cells divide. Meiosis is the process by which the cells divide.
The offspring will also have a genetic disease if the parents have it i.e. no variation. This is its disadvantage. Two organisms and a lot more energy is required. These are its disadvantage.
Spore formation, budding, vegetative reproduction, fragmentation are some of the types. Conjugation and Syngamy are some of the types.
The advantage of this method is time efficiency, and requires less energy. The advantage of this method is variation which produces unique organisms
Chance of variation is less. Mutation is less frequent. Genetic variation takes place in every new organism. Leads to evolution
Sex cell or gametes are not formed. Sex cell or gamete formation occurs
Lower organisms make use of this method Higher vertebrates and invertebrates use this method
The unit of reproduction can be the whole parent body or a single somatic cell Unit of reproduction is a gamete
The time taken is short for this type of reproduction. This form of reproduction can take numerous months

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