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The Great Stone Face–II

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 8th English > The Great Stone Face–II

10 The Great Stone Face–II


The story, ‘The Great Stone Face’, it revolves around the life of Ernest and his relation with the Great Stone Face. The shape on the mountain constantly reminds him and the inhabitants of the valley of a prophecy that someone who resembles the great stone face would be born in the valley. Our society glorifies famous actors and cricketers, rock stars, scientists and philosophers, wealthy merchants and entrepreneurs, and so on. Seldom, however, does the ordinary citizen of a country receive public acclaim. At times, these ordinary citizens often do extraordinary things, such as adopting handicapped children, rescuing trapped earthquake victims, operating soup kitchens for the needy, serving on the front lines in a war, risking their lives as policemen and firemen, and—like Ernest, living a simple life while imparting wisdom to others. Ernest lived a humble life and was never so bold as to think that he would become worthy enough to bear the likeness of the Great Stone Face. Yet in the end, when he learns that it is he who fulfills the prophecy, he still hopes that some wiser and better man than himself would appear, bearing a resemblance to the Great Stone Face.

Meanings of words and phrase

    • furrows – deep lines
    • obscure – not well known
    • unawares – unknowingly
    • customary toil – usual work
    • hospitably – kindly
    • corresponded – been in harmony with
    • custom – habit
    • harmonised with – agreed with
    • sage – wise man


Character Sketch of Ernest

Ernest was a small boy when he drew affectionate towards in the Great Stone Face. He felt that the face smiled on him. He wished to see a man with such a face. He was dutiful and helpful to his Mother. He grew up to be a gentle and quiet youth. He regarded the Stone Face as his teacher. He turned to the face every now and then for advice. He was not influenced by the common belief that Gather gold or Blood- and-Thunder General had any resemblance with the Stone Face. Even the poet’s face disappointed him. Finally, it is revealed that Ernest himself was the likeness of the Stone Face. But Ernest remained humble to the last. He kept hoping that some wiser and better man than himself would appear.

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