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The Great Stone Face–I

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 8th English > The Great Stone Face–I

09 The Great Stone Face–I


The story, ‘The Great Stone Face’, it revolves around the life of Ernest and his relation with the Great Stone Face. The shape on the mountain constantly reminds him and the inhabitants of the valley of a prophecy that someone who resembles the great stone face would be born in the valley.

Meanings of words and phrase

    • immense – huge
    • enormous – very big
    • resembled – similar appearance
    • benign – kind
    • prophecy – statement that tells what will happen in the future.
    • pensive – thoughtful
    • gaze – stare
    • stirred – moved
    • labour – work
    • folly – foolishness
    • sympathises – feeling of sorrow, approval and understanding.
    • beheld – saw
    • renowned – famous
    • banquet – feast
    • proclaimed – announced


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