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The Fight

24  The Fight 


Ruskin Bond’s “The Fight” revolves around two boys who into an argument over a pool. A fight ensues and ends in a draw. The story focuses mainly on friendship. We saw that Ranji and Suraj, though adversaries, understand each other’s skills. They give up their hatred towards and the end become friends. The author has also tried to touch upon the theme of bullying in this story. Suraj being stronger and more aggressive tries to bully the lean Ranji. But Ranji doesn’t give in and fights back. This is a lesson for many weak and submissive children who are victims of bullying.

Meanings of words and phrases:

  • interminably : continuing for too long and therefore boring or annoying
  • parched : dried out with heat
  • gushing : flow out suddenly with force
  • torrent : a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid
  • cascading: pour downwards rapidly and in large quantities
  • wallowed : roll about or lie in mud or water
  • supple : capable of being bent or folded without creases, cracks, or breaks
  • glistened : shine
  • quench : satisfy
  • limpid : completely clear and transparent
  • hostile : showing or feeling opposition or dislike
  • thickset : heavily or solidly built
  • impasse : a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement
  • penetrated: move into or through something
  • staggered : move unsteadily from side to side
  • dizzy : a feeling of unsteadiness, confusion, or amazement
  • spluttering: a series of short explosive spitting or choking sounds
  • groped : search blindly or uncertainly by feeling with the hands
  • frenzied : a wildly excited or uncontrolled behaviour
  • conceal : hide
  • solace : peace and comfort
  • adversary : one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute
  • impulse : a sudden strong urge or desire to act
  • scowled : frown in an angry or bad-tempered way
  • ferocity : the state of being frightening and violent
  • acknowledgement : the acceptance of the truth or existence of something
  • acquiesce : accept something reluctantly but without protest
  • outwit : get an advantage over someone by acting more cleverly and often by using a trick
  • plunge : jump or dive quickly and energetically

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