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The Ant and the Cricket

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 8th English > The Ant and the Cricket

11 The Ant and the Cricket


The Ant and the Cricket is a fable in poetic form. A fable is a story, often with animals as characters, that conveys a moral. This is a poem about a silly young cricket and an ant.The cricket whiled away all his time singing and dancing during the summer and did not save any food for the winter days. This is a very realistic situation with humans. We tend to enjoy the days when we have enough and forget to save for the future. Due to this we may face difficult times during unfortunate situations. On the contrary the ant is shown as a resourceful and hardworking creature. He has saved enough for the cold winters and also built a shelter. Also it shows you that no matter who you believe your friends to be, in the matter of survival you are the only one who will support yourself, hence one should self-sufficient in such a way that you don’t need to depend on anyone else.

Meanings of words and phrase

    • accustomed: to be in the habit of habituated or to be used to something
    • gay: happy
    • complain : to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something
    • crumb : a very small amount of food
    • starvation: suffering or death caused by lack of food
    • famine : extreme scarcity of food and water
    • miserly :unwilling or showing unwillingness to share with others, or generally one who is rich in terms of wealth but simply doesn’t wish to spend it
    • grant : to lend
    • hastily: very quickly
    • wicket : a small door
    • fable : a story about animals that has a moral


Rhyme Scheme

Stanza 1

The rhyme scheme of this stanza would be aabbccddd.

Stanza 2

The rhyme scheme of this stanza would be aabbccddd.

Stanza 3

The rhyme scheme of this stanza is aabbccddd.

Stanza 4

The rhyme scheme is aabb.

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