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Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 8th English > Macavity: The Mystery Cat

13 Macavity: The Mystery Cat


The poem ‘Macavity the Mystery Cat’ is the best known of Eliot’s ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’, the only book Eliot wrote for a younger audience. Macavity also called the Mystery Cat and the Hidden Paw, is a master criminal. In the poem he is portrayed as too clever to leave any evidence of his guilt. One of the main themes in the poem is criminality, because the poem is a comparison to criminals. Macavity is in fact used to draw a comparison to criminals and anti-social elements who are always at a run. Another theme is mischief, because although the poem gives us a serious thought it is written in a very light and playful manner.

Meanings of words and phrase

    • Defy – Disobey
    • Bafflement – To confuse
    • Scotland Yard – the headquarters of the London police force
    • Flying Squad – a group of police or soldiers ready to move into action quickly
    • Levitation – floating in the air without support
    • Fiend – Devil
    • Feline – a cat
    • Depravity – moral corruption


Rhyme Scheme

Stanza 1

The rhyme scheme of this stanza would be aabb.

Stanza 2

The rhyme scheme of this stanza would be aabbbb.

Stanza 3

The rhyme scheme of this stanza is aabbcc.

Stanza 4

The rhyme scheme is aabb.

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