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A Visit to Cambridge

Tutormate > CBSE Syllabus-Class 8th English > A Visit to Cambridge

07 A Visit to Cambridge


The story ‘A Visit To Cambridge’ is the story of a meeting between two extraordinary people, both of them differently abled. Firdaus Kanga, the author himself, was born with ‘brittle bones’ that tended to break easily when he was a child. He moves around in a wheelchair. And as you know, Stephen Hawking was one of the greatest scientists of our time. He suffered from a form of paralysis that confined him to a wheelchair, and allowed him to ‘speak’ only by punching buttons on a computer. These two great men exchange thoughts on what it means to live life in a wheelchair, and on how the so called ‘normal’ people react to the differently abled. “. They shared a rare understanding of the psychological implication of such diseases. They also shared their notions about the various methods of overcoming their physical disabilities. Their meeting was a triumph of the mind over the body. All in all, this story supports all the people out there who are disabled and it stresses to the point that they should live their lives as normally as they could just like other normal people spend their lives.

Meanings of words and phrase

    • metaphor: a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else.
    • successor: someone who succeeds a person to an office, title, etc.
    • astrophysicist: a scientist who specializes in the study of space, stars, planets, and the universe
    • paralysed: partly or wholly incapable of movement
    • disembodied: separated from or existing without the body
    • disintegrating: losing strength and gradually failing
    • frustrated: to feel distressed and annoyed as a result of an inability to change or achieve something
    • exhaustion: a state of extreme physical or mental tiredness
    • anguish: severe mental or physical pain or suffering
    • buoyant: someone cheerful and optimistic
    • chronically: to a very great extent
    • patronise : treat someone with an apparent kindness which shows a feeling of superiority
    • sentimental : prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia


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