Everyday Scenarios On The Basis Of Pressure:
The same force produces less pressure if it acts on a large area but it can produce high pressure if it acts on a small area.
Scenario 1: Sharp Knife Cuts Better than a Blunt Knife
Due to the thin edge of the sharp knife, the force of our hand falls over a very small area of the object producing a large pressure. And this large pressure cuts the object easily.
Scenario 2: School Bags have Wide Straps.
A school bag has wide strap made of thick cloth (canvas) so that the weight of bag may fall over a large area of the shoulder of the child producing less pressure on the shoulder. And due to less pressure, it is more comfortable to carry the heavy school bag.
Scenario 3: The tractors have broad tyres
The tractors have broader tyres so that there is less pressure on the ground and the tyres do not sink into comparatively soft ground in the fields.
Scenario 4: Wooden sleepers (or concrete sleepers) below railway lines
Wooden sleepers are kept below the railway line so that there is less pressure of the train on the ground and railway line may not sink into the ground.