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Chemical equation

01 Chemical reactions and equations

  • Chemical equation is the representation of a chemical reaction in the form of symbols for substances that are involved in the reaction.
  • It is a method used to present a chemical reaction with the help of symbol and formulae of the substance involved in it.
  • The substances which combine or react are known as reactant.
  • The reactant molecules on the left side or behind the arrow interact with each other such that new bonds are formed resulting in the formation of products.
  • The new substance produced in a reaction are known as products.
  • The products are on the right side or ahead of the arrowhead.
  • A reacts with B to form X and Y as shown below:
A + B  X + Y


  • The chemical equation can be made more informative
  • By indicating the physical states of the reactants and products.
  • g. ‘s’ is used for solids, ‘l’ for liquids and ‘g’ for gas. For an aqueous solution, ‘(aq)’ is used.
  • By indicating heat changes taking place in the reaction.
  • g. An exothermic reaction is indicated by writing +Heat or +Heat energy or just +Energy on the product side of the equation.
  • An endothermic reaction is indicated by writing +Heat or +Heat energy or just +Energy on the reactant side of the equation.
  • By indicating the conditions under which the reaction takes place.
  • E.g. If the reaction takes place in the presence of a catalyst, then the symbol or formula of the catalyst is written above or below the arrow sign.


  • A chemical equation in which the number of atoms of all the molecules is equal on both sides of the equation is known as balanced chemical equation.
  • A balanced chemical equation has equal masses of various elements in reactant and product.
E.g.  2H2 + O2  2H2O
  In reactants In products
No. of H atoms 4 4
No. of O atoms




  • A chemical equation in which the number of atoms of all the molecules is equal on both sides of the equation is known as balanced chemical equation.
  • An unbalanced chemical equation has unequal masses of various elements in reactant and product.
H2 + O2   H2O
  In reactants In products
No. of H atoms 2 2
No. of O atoms




  • According to the law of conservation of mass, matter can neither be created nor destroyed.
  • This means that the total mass of the reactants and products of a chemical reaction must remain the same.
  • Therefore, for a complete chemical equation, the number of atoms of various elements on both sides are made equal, to make the equation balanced.
  • The law of conservation of mass fails in the following equation because the number of atoms of the elements/molecules on the reactant side is not equal to the number of atoms of the elements/molecules on the product side.
Fe + H2O    Fe3O4 + H2
Element No of atoms on reactant side No of atoms on product side
Fe(Iron) 1 3
H(Hydrogen) 2 2




  • Consider the above chemical reaction. The following steps are used for balancing the chemical equation:
  • Step 1: The maximum number of atoms present on either side of the reaction is on product side for Oxygen which is 4.
  • To make the number of oxygen atoms on both sides of the reaction equal, the number of oxygen atoms on reactant side is multiplied by 4.
  • The equation becomes
    Fe + 4H2O    Fe3O4  +  H2
  • Step 2: The number of hydrogen atoms is 8 on the reactant side which is more than that of the product side, hence we need to balance hydrogen atoms, and hence we multiply H2on the product side by 4.
  • The equation becomes
    Fe + 4H2O    Fe3O4  +  4H2
  • Step 3: Thus the number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms on both sides of the equation are same.
  • Finally, to balance the number of iron atoms on both side of the equation the number of iron atoms on the reactant side is multiplied by 3.
3Fe + 4H2O    Fe3O4  +  4H2
  • The number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation is shown in the table given below:
Element No of atoms on reactant side No of atoms on product side
Fe(Iron) 3 3
H(Hydrogen) 8 8


3Fe + 4H2O    Fe3O4  +  4H2


Thus, the above reaction is a balanced chemical equation.


  • In a given chemical compound, the proportion by mass of the elements that compose it are fixed, independent of the origin of the compound or its mode of preparation

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